
Full Stack Development

Course Summary

iit computer institute in delhi is your destination for the best Full Stack Web Development training in delhi. Having developed a comprehensive training module based on the latest Full Stack Web Development technology, IIT COMPUTER INSTITUTE IN DELHI stands out to be the most reliable Online Full Stack Web Development training institute in delhi. If you have been casting about for a practical based and job-oriented training then you are at the right place as our Full Stack Web Development course in delhi is equipped with live project based training backed with 100% placement support. You can avail both Full Stack Web Development training as well as Full Stack Web Development training in delhi.

IIT COMPUTER INSTITUTE IN DELHI has the best Full Stack Web Development course syllabus designed basic to advanced and approved by the experts and is in coordination with the latest technological requirements of the industry. The blend of academic learning and the hands-on practical sessions on live Full Stack Web Development based projects provides the students with optimum exposure helping them transform into thorough professionals. IIT COMPUTER INSTITUTE IN DELHI is a well-equipped Full Stack Web Development training center in delhi with high-tech labs and libraries.

After completing the Full Stack Web Development training Course from IIT COMPUTER INSTITUTE IN DELHI the students get developed professionally and become capable enough to secure jobs in some of the top MNCs easily, as the institute offers 100% placement support to every attendee. The practical oriented Full Stack Web Development training course here at IIT COMPUTER INSTITUTE IN DELHI upgrades the professional skills of the trainees in Full Stack Web Development field.

IIT COMPUTER INSTITUTE IN DELHI offers the best Full Stack Web Development Certification Course Training in Delhi, delhi.. The Full Stack Web Development training course module here has been formulated and designed under the guidance of industry professionals with years of experience in handling Full Stack Web Development based projects.


  • What is Html5?
  • What is a Web Browser?
  • What are Version of HTML?
  • What Can You Do With HTML?
  • HTML Development Environment
  • Using An HTML Editors
  • Writing Code With a Text Editor
  • Publishing Document


  • Rules of Syntax
  • Making Your Code Readable
  • Making Your Code XHTML Compliant
  • Buldding a Document
  • Using Colors
  • Additing Color to Your Page
  • Using Heding
  • Using Paragraphs
  • Using Block Quotes
  • Using Entities.


  • Displaying Preformatted Text.
  • Formatting With Inline
  • Controlling Fonts
  • Introducing List Element.
  • Creating Unordered Lists
  • Creating Ordered Lists.
  • Creating Definition Lists.
  • Nesting Lists.
  • Indenting Text With the
  • Building a Table.
  • Using the Border Attribute.
  • Cell Padding and Cell Spacing.
  • Controlling Table and Cell Width.
  • Aligning a Table and Text.
  • Aligning Table Data.
  • Spanning Columns and Rows.
  • Nesting Tables.
  • Adding Colors to Tables.
  • Understanding and Using Urls.
  • Linking to a Web Document.
  • Linking to a Local Document.
  • Linking to Anchors.
  • Opening a New Browser Window.
  • IFrame.
  • Optimizing Image and File Size.
  • Aligning and Formatting Images.
  • Using Images to Anchors Links.
  • Creating a Look-and-Feel.
  • Sizing and Scaling Images.
  • Using Transparent Images.
  • Forms & Controls.
  • Forms,Form Elements.
  • Form Actions, Form Methods, Form Desing.
  • Supported Media Types
  • The audio Element
  • The Video Element
  • Accessibility
  • Required
  • placeholder
  • Autocomplete
  • Form
  • Overview of HTML Web Storage
  • Web Storage
  • Other Storage Methods
  • Autocomplete
  • Novalidate
  • Map
  • Datalist
  • Progress and meter
  • Header tag, section tag, footer tag
  • CSS syntax
  • Classes and ID's
  • The Cascade
  • Inheritance
  • Speciality
  • Validating Your Css
  • The Box Model
  • Block VS inline elements
  • Div and Span
  • Border Properties
  • Width,Height and Max, Min
  • The Auto Property
  • Using Images and Css
  • Applying texture
  • Graduated files
  • Round Corners
  • Transparency and semi-transparency
  • Document Flow
  • Absolute positioning
  • Releative positioning
  • Static positioning
  • Mark UP Structures for navigation
  • Building a horizontal navigation bar
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Course Criteria

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Course Highlights

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    Books & Library

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